- Integrations
- Breach Secure Now!

Make it easy for your MSP to automate, support, and empower employees to become the best first line of security with the CloudRadial CSA.
The Breach Secure Now! integration adds valuable reporting metrics into CloudRadial that are pulled directly from BSN. Users can enjoy seeing their employee secure score (ESS) directly from their portal in addition to other security data and statistics.
How the Integration Works:
The information pulled into CloudRadial is available via Security > Identity > Training (tab). Through an API connection, the data is updated live as changes happen in the Breach Secure Now! platform.
CloudRadial Partners can use the data pulled from Breach Secure Now! to improve the ease of access for customers, as well as leverage the security scores as discussion points in strategic IT conversations.
What the Integration Does:
- From User to Company – Give a high-level, easily understandable snapshot of the security posture of both the users and company.
- Integrates with Planner – Leverage user security scores to feed the vCIO planner and client discussions.
Integration: Breach Secure Now!
Solution Type: University/Learning
Integration Type: API
Integration Type: API
API connections are secured with a set of keys that need to be generated one time.
Once the connection has been secured, the tool in question will stay connected to CloudRadial until the key is deactivated. Refer to the article on the specific tool for instructions on generating the API key, as well as where to input it into CloudRadial.