- Integrations
- Zendesk
Give your clients a powerful front-end ticketing portal with CloudRadial’s Client Services Automation that works with your Zendesk account.
Improve your customer front end ticketing experience with clean, easy-to-use forms that help people quickly get what they need. Relax knowing you can continue to use your workflows in Zendesk as you like while your clients are none the wiser.
How the Integration Works:
The integration with Zendesk is done purely through an email connector – when tickets are fired off from CloudRadial, you’ll want to set them to your support email in Zendesk.
As the tickets make their way to the board(s), they’ll be attributed to the submitting user along with the form information.
What the Integration Does:
- Deliver a Better Ticketing Experience – Delight customers with a ticketing front end that gives them supreme visibility into all of the available support options.
Integration: Zendesk
Solution Type: PSA
Integration Type: Email
Integration Type: Email
Email connections rely on an email address destination to/from CloudRadial.
Depending on the integration, this email may need to come from the tool itself (such as in instances of webhooks). Other times, the email comes directly from CloudRadial itself. Refer to the specific integration setup instructions for more details.