Deliver Insight
Being an MSP is about helping lead from the boardroom, not just report from the server room. Deliver insights that make a difference to your clients' business.
Stop leaving money on the table by only focusing QBRs on your biggest clients.
CloudRadial CSA helps you ditch manual QBR preparation by automating your client reporting.
Evolve your MSP to a system of on-demand, self-service information reporting that lets you focus on being a strategic advisor to your clients.
It's more than a spreadsheet — the CloudRadial sales matrix helps you quickly visualize planner card placement across all clients at all times.
Give your clients a roadmap of what you’ll do and when, what you’ve done, and what you can do for them with a vCIO Planner.
Some of your best sales opportunities lie with the clients you already have. Use the client scoring feature to see where the opportunities are.
Being an MSP is about helping lead from the boardroom, not just report from the server room. Deliver insights that make a difference to your clients' business.
The most valuable part of a quarterly meeting is listening to your client talk about their business and seeing where you fit in. Automating your QBR frees you up to be the best vCIO for your clients.
“Before CloudRadial, our QBR process was broken. We spent hour and hours making XLSs and PDFs. But none of it discussed the important issues.”